In this tutorial, we will upload multiple images to server using Retrofit Library. Creating Server Side Codes Go to your server’s root directory (c:/wamp/www) and create a new folder. I created UploadImage. Inside the...
Tag - android learning
Beginning in Android 6.0 (API level 23), users grant permissions to apps while the app is running, not when they install the app. This approach streamlines the app install process since the user does not need to grant permissions...
Every application must have an AndroidManifest.xml file (with precisely that name) in its root directory. The manifest file provides essential information about your app to the Android system, which the system must have before it...
CardView is another major element introduced in Material Design. Using CardView you can represent the information in a card manner with a drop shadow (elevation) and corner radius which looks consistent across the platform...
Http Multipart requests are used to send heavy data data or files like audio and video to the server. Android Volley gives you a very faster and optimized environment to send heavy data or files to the server. Here I post a...
The TextView view is used to display text to the user. This is the most basic view and one that you will frequently use when you develop Android applications. If you need to allow users to edit the text displayed, you should...
1. Setup the Development Environment. Step 1 – Setup Java Development Kit (JDK) Download the latest version of JDK from Oracle’s Java site: Java SE Downloads. After you have downloaded and installed the Java...